Warwickshire & Solihull Blood Bikes is a team of volunteer rider, drivers, controllers, fundraisers and supporters, who are dedicated to providing an out of hours service between 7pm and 6am weekdays, and 24 hours a day at the weekend and on Bank Holidays, supporting the NHS in transporting essential plasma, tissue samples, spinal fluids, X-Rays, licensed drugs and any other products than can be carried safely on a motorcycle or in a car to hospitals throughout Coventry, Warwickshire & Solihull.
The blood bikes service saves the NHS tens of thousands of pounds a year and provides a vital service to the community. Watwickshire Freemasons saw this as the exact sort of charity they are able to wholeheartedly support, and so they did. By joining forces with the Freemasons Charity - the Masonic Charitable Foundation - to provide Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes with the latest addition to their fleet. The BMW R1250RT is now fully liveried and proudly wears the Warwickshire Freemasonry logos and the square and compasses.
The new bike took pride of place at Motorcycle Live at the NEC, accompanied by the sign pictured below.
The Head of Warwickshire Freemasons, Phil Hall commented, "I am delighted that we are able to support the important work of the Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes and we are very grateful for the service they provide to the community. The last few years have been very challenging for local charities because of the restrictions on fund raising, which makes me all the more proud of the generosity of the Freemasons throughout Warwickshire who have made this donation possible."
With all due respect to Phil, I think the last word should go to the guys on the stand with whom I spoke last week. They put it very simply. "Without people like this, and organisations like Warwickshire Freemasons, we simply wouldn't be able to do our work."
On the right is David Greenwood, representing Warwickshire Freemasons, alongside two of the WSBB team (whose names, I am mortified to admit, I neglected to note).
Freemasons don't always get a very good press - conspiracy theorists would have them responsible for just about everything from Covid to 9/11 to any planning application you don't like getting granted. But the truth is they are one of the biggest contributoirs to charities in the UK, and their constitution, the very core of their beliefs and membership requirements, demands a strict adherences to the laws of the land as well as moral decency. This is a great example of that principle at work.