with the MCIA's annual "Ride to Work" campaign,
Sussex based Shaw Harley-Davidson brought Milwaukee to the
masses recently when they staged a free riding day at Arlington
Stadium near Eastbourne.
than 600 people enjoyed a beautiful summer afternoon and evening
and had the opportunity to sample many of the delights that
the American legend has to offer around the oval circuit.
And while a solo tryout was the preserve of bike licence holders
only, complete novices were given the opportunity to try riding
themselves under the expert tuition of a team from Riders
Edge. The training bikes, a trio of Buell Blast 500s, made
a pleasant change to the normal anodyne offerings at training
establishments as well as fitting nicely in with the other
bikes there.
Arlington Stadium is a speedway and stock-car
track, home of the Eastbourne Eagles speedway team, and the
concrete oval that runs outside the shale speedway track was
the perfect environment to allow people to get at least a
taste of Harley magic. And from what I saw in my all too brief
visit, the magic was working well, as rider after rider lapped
the oval wearing smiles that just got broader as the laps
increased. And outside the bowl the lengthy queue for the
Buells meant that the Riders Edge team were certainly earning
their keep. A discreet (well, not really) eavesdrop told me
that instruction was clear, to the point and humorous while
somehow managing to avoid being condescending. It was also
gratifying to see that a large number of the trainees were
women. Indeed, in the groups I saw they outnumbered the men
most of the time. Which has to be a Good Thing. 41 total novices
got their first taste of powered two wheelers during the day,
while an amazing 330 full licence holders took the opportunity
to lap the oval.
Of course, as well as the demo rides and
tuition, there was also a comprehensive display of bikes,
accessories and clothing as well as food and drinks available.
David Cole, dealer principal
at Shaw Harley-Davidson, said: “We had an extremely
successful day welcoming new people to the world of Harley-Davidson
and motorcycling in general, in a controlled and safe environment.
involvement of Rider’s Edge was very important to us
in ensuring that potential new riders were given good quality
information and advice and more experienced riders were encouraged
to continue their riding education.”
Shaw Harley-Davidson has also recently
won the prestigious Bar and Shield Award. This annual award
is presented to dealerships who have excelled in customer
services and brand marketing. Considering that Shaw's have
only been a motorcycle dealer for two years, that is pretty
impressive. But judging by the organisation and commitment
they showed to this event, it is an award that was well earned.
David Cole again:
“This is a fantastic result for the
entire team. Harley-Davidson has over 1,300 dealers in 48
countries and they all want to win a Bar & Shield Award,
so we’ve done extremely well to join this elite group.
Our dealership has only been open for 18 months but we’ve
had a lot of fun introducing Harley-Davidson to people in
Sussex. I think some of that enthusiasm has helped us to win
this award.”