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MotorbikesToday Track Guide
The Real McCoy! More bends and corners than you can shake a headstock at. But be warned - it takes no prisoners.
Nürburgring GmbH
53520 Nürburg
00 49 26 91/302-144 (answering machine - in German)
00 49 26 91/302-155
opening times:
see website for latest information
circuit length:
14.2 miles
tickets (2004):
1 lap-€14, 6 laps-€76, 12 laps-€143

How to get There

from Calais(1):

Leave the Ferry Terminal and head south on the A216/A26 towards Paris for 3 miles before bearing left onto the E40 towards Dunkerque and Bruxelles. At Exit 15 in Ghent bear left onto the E17/A14 and follow Antwerpen. At Exit 17, stay on the E17 and then follow R1 around the south of Antwerp before bearing right onto the A13/E34 toward Eindhoven at Exit 13. Stay on the A13 where it becomes the E313 and follow Hasselt, Luik, Aken. Then bear right onto the A2/E314 towards Aken, Genk and Brussel. Stay on the E314 through The Netherlands and into Germany. At Aachen bear right on to the Autobahnkreuz Aachen and follow the A4/A44 towards Koln and Dusseldorf. As you approach Kerpen bear right onto the A61 for Venlo and Koblenz. Stay on the A61 all the way down to Meckenheim and then bear right onto the A565/B257 towards Altenahr and then through Honningen, Adenau and Quiddelbach to the junction with the D258. Just past the entrance to the new Nurburgring race circuit, turn left again and go under the bridge and through the village of Nurburg. A mile further on a small roundabout marks the entrance to the paddock.
292 miles and around 4 hours


Leave the Ferry Terminal and head south on the A216/A26 towards Paris for 3 miles before bearing left onto the E40 towards Dunkerque and Bruxelles. Continue past Ghent to Exit 20 Bruxelles and then bear left onto Groot-Bijgaarden following the E19/E40 towards Namen/Charleroi and then A3/E40 Luik/Leuven as you clear the east side of Brussels. At Exit 1 of the E40 stay on the E40 and then take the N67 exit to Eupen. Stay on the N67 along Rotenberg and into Mutzenich just over the German border wher the road becomes the L214. The road now starts winding as it continues past Monschau, becoming the D258 which takes you all the way to Nurburg and the modern race circuit. Just past here, turn left, go under the bridge and through the village of Nurburg. A mile further on a small roundabout marks the entrance to the paddock.
268 miles and around 41/2 hours



Well surfaced but very small and therefore crowded most of the time.
On the D258 at Dottinger-Hohe (0.7miles)
Restaurant and snack bar in the paddock.



Originally conceived as a vehicle development & test facility and a source of employment by the local authority of the economically depressed Eiffel region in the early-1920s, the project received financial backing from the Federal government and construction started in September 1925. In just under two years, some 2,500 labourers created a 4.8 mile test and club racing circuit linked to the much larger 14.2 mile Nordschleife circuit, that was intended to be a showcase for German technology and supremacy. With a road width of twenty two feet and one hundred and seventy two corners, the track incorporated just about every conceivable combination of radius, gradient and camber. It also boasted a hotel, seventy lock-up garages and seating for 2,500 spectators. The first race was held on June 27th 1927 and was won by Rudolf Caracciola, and from then until the start of the Second World War the track was the showpiece of German motorsport.

In 1945 the track was returned to the local authorities, and national racing recommenced in 1948 after some reconstruction and development. In 1950 the Grand Prix returned and stayed right through to the early Seventies when it became apparent that modern Formula One cars where becoming just too fast and dangerous for what was by now a very old motorsport facility. Nikki Lauda's near-fatal accident on the second lap of the 1976 F1 race was just one too many in the 'Ring's chequered history, and this was the end of the road for the legendary motor racing circuit.

However, unlike Brooklands, the Nurgurgring wasn't broken up and bulldozed out of existence by developers; instead it has survived intact and is classifed as a "one-way public toll road". Anyone who can legally drive on the roads in Germany can buy a ticket at the entrance and ride or drive around one of the greatest racing circuits that has ever been built.

Trackday Operators

As the Nurburgring is officially classified as a public one-way toll road, there are few if any organisations now offering training on the circuit.

Ardenne & Eifel Aventures
00 32 80398788
BMW International Driver Training
00 49 208 593 164
Where to Stay
distance from circuit
Dorint Hotel
tel: 00 49 26 91/309-0
1.6 miles
Hotel Wilhelmshöhe, Wilhelmshöhe 4, 56766 Auderath
tel: 00 49 26 76 260
15 miles
Hotel An Der Nordschleife, Triererstrasse 12,
51518 Adenau - Breidscheid
tel: 00 49 26 91 93 01 58
7.9 miles
Blaue Ecke, Am Marktbrunnen, d 53518 Adenau
tel: 00 49 26 91 20 05
8.4 miles
Sliders Guest House, Lindenstrasse 77, 53945 Blankenheim - Dollendorf
tel: 00 49 26 97 90 62 01
17.3 miles
Pension Muhlenhardt, 53518 Herschbroich, Am Nürburgring
tel: 00 49 26 91 24 15
1.2 miles
Motorsport Hotel, Hauptstrasse 34, 53520 Nürburg
tel: 00 26 91/92 00 0
1 mile
Haus Marvin, Tannenweg 11, 56729 Dottingen-Herresbach
tel: 00 49 26 91 25 46
2 miles
Hotel Zur Burg, Burgstrasse 4, 53520 Nürburg
tel: 00 49 26 91/75 75
1 mile

A Lap of The Circuit

Before anything else, remember that this circuit is 15 miles long. There are a lot of bends and you will be mixing with all sorts of traffic. There are some important rules you must obey. German traffic laws apply during public days and they are enforced quite strictly. Most importantly, you must only overtake on the left. Ideally, wait for the other vehicle to move and indicate right before you go. You should watch your mirrors and if someone comes up behind you then move right as soon as it is safe to do so, indicating right to tell them you are happy to be passed. There are lots of professional drivers and riders who test there, and there is no shame in being overtaken. Also note that bikes must be road legal in every way. Noise testing is frequent and strict, and you run the risk of getting an illegal can confiscated on the spot should the test be run by the Police instead of the ‘ring authorities.

So, leaving the toll gates you will pass along a chained-off corridor before a traffic-calming hard left turn. Then you are onto the circuit proper, on Dottinger Hohe. Under the bridge as the track curves left and drops down, climbing the other side into Hohenrain. This is an armco lined right-left-right chicane which marks where the old Southern Loop used to continue. Sometimes the track will be blocked here and you will be diverted right through the old pits. This normally happens when an event is taking place that uses both the old and new circuits. Assuming that you have carried on as normal, though, you will go along a short straight called T13 (named after the gantry or Tribune to the right) before a downhill lefthander. This is sharper and than it looks at first. The track continues downhill through a couple of right handers and a left before reaching Hatzenbach. This is a complex of lefts and rights, but the first corner is very dangerous. The left is fine but the immediate right catches people out and they tend to hit the rather unforgiving armco. Be warned. Exiting the complex after three more bends there is another short straight before the right-left of Hocheichen. This is horrible in the wet but satisfying in the dry. The left part is quite sharp but the camber is helpful. Watch for debris from cars that clip the grass bank. A long, fast straight, over a humpback bridge and slightly uphill, leads to Flugplatz. This is a long, very fast double apex right hander that is beset treated as one long curve. The left out of it leads to the fastest part of the circuit where you could reasonably expect to hit the speed limiter on a modern superbike.

Coming up very soon is Schwedenkreuz, a fast but deceptive left hander that leads directly into Aremburg. Aremburg is a long, slightly downhill right with a gravel trap and a nasty reputation. There is a large bridge crossing the track at the exit of the bend. A good idea not to fall off there, then. On into Fuchsrohre – a long downhill rush that you can straightline on a bike. The left at the bottom tests courage and suspension in equal measures but the uphill that follows makes it easy to lose speed for the next challenge. Adenauer Forst is a right-left-right complex that catches many more people than it should. It’s easy enough but build up to a good speed and stay off the very slippery kerbs in the damp. If it all goes wrong then you’ll find yourself heading for the grass. Relax and ride it out. Perhaps stand on the pegs but avoid any violent turning or braking and you should be OK. Another straight with a fast but slightly scary left hander partway along it leads to Metzgesfelt, a sharp left hander going immediately into a right hander.

The track then starts to drop away and enters Kallenhard, a never ending off camber downhill right hander. Turn in late or you will run onto the grass on the exit. Carry on downhill through Miss-Hit-Miss (three right handers named for what you should do to their apexes) and then be prepared for Wehrseifen. This is a gentle, downhill right hander that leads instantly into a hairpin left. No runoff at all. Nice. Watch for highsides on the exit and again stay off the kerb if it’s damp. Carry on downhill and you will see speed limit signs as you approach Breidsheid. This is the lowest part of the circuit, a left hander that goes over a road bridge. It’s one of the less forgiving parts of the track and there is an entry/exit point as well to make things worse. If this is open the speed limit signs will be the right way round and the limit may well be enforced with radar. If the signs are reversed then the exit should be closed and you can relax a little. But don’t fall off here because the softest thing you’ll hit is a line of concrete blocks.

Exiting Breidsheid you go steeply uphill and right through Ex-Muhle where you can practice big wheelies while trying to get straight before you hit the barrier, then kink left through Lauda Links-knicke, so named because this is the kink where Nicky Lauda had his huge crash in 1976 and into Bergwerk. The only hint I can give you here is turn into this long right hander very late. The most common mistake is to turn in too early and run onto the grass before the exit. As the barrier is about 3 feet away this is a Bad Thing.

Now get on the power and prepare for a bit of a roller coaster ride as the track gently weaves up the long and very fast Kesselchen – 4km of hill. Most of the corners can be taken flat out and visibility is very good indeed. After a proper right hander there is a short straight leading to Mutkurve or Angstkurve – Courage or Fear Bend. This is a fearsomely fast left hander with a very positive camber that can mislead because again it goes on for quite a long time. Beware the slight dip afterwards as the track goes right into Klostertal, followed by a short straight then the slower and very, very long Steilstrecke Kurve. As you exit you’ll see some bits sticking out of the track each side on the way up the approaching hill. Straightline the bums, aiming for a large, solitary pine tree.

The Karussel is probably the most famous piece of track anywhere, and not without reason. Don’t even attempt this steeply banked left hand hairpin at more than 50mph, and watch the exit as getting on the power too hard while the back is jumping around can be a recipe for disaster. The concrete slabs are grippier than they look, and you should aim to go around just below halfway up and exit at the distinct ‘L’ just before the end.

Power up the rest of the hill through a fast left hander that leads straight into the fist part of Hohe Acht – a double apex right hander that is the highest part of the track. From here on it’s all down to technique and handling – any more than 40bhp is wasted most of the time. Be careful through this section as the trees can make it a little slippery at times. Out of Hohe Acht the track runs straight for a few metres before going right, dropping away to the left and then going right again into Wipperman. Another short straight followed by an uphill right leads straight into the downhill left of Eschbach and the sharp right of Brunnchen 1. There is a viewing area here, so beware of distracting movement and noise. This part of the track has been recently resurfaced and is now grippy and smooth but very fast, especially as it is steeply downhill. A short straight leads into Brunnchen 2 – a fast uphill right hander with a gravel trap on the outside.

Almost immediately afterwards comes Eiskurve, a challenging blind left hander that is slippery in the rain and is one of the last places to dry out. Watch for ice here in the off season as well. Now we are approaching one of the most dangerous parts of the track. Pflantzgarten 1 is a long and very fast right hander immediately preceded by a jump. You must get your braking over and done with before getting airborne or you are very likely to run over the grass and hit the barrier. Exiting Pflantzgarten 1 the track curves left before dropping steeply away in Pflantzgarten 2. Many people find themselves on one wheel here without intending to. Be ready for it and be aware that you will be accelerating hard down the hill so by the time the front comes down you will be flying. Watch for instability.

The next section is a series of small but blind kinks and ridges which need to be built up to – the only fast way through is to know where you are going. After this comes a very fast right hander which climbs into Schwalbenschwantz – The Swallow-tail – a sharp and unforgiving left hander followed by a short straight and then a miniature version of The Karussel. Don’t underestimate it as many people have failed to negotiate this corner. Then uphill further into the long, long right hander of Galgenkopf. Don’t go wide until you can see the exit or you’ll run out of track. Then back onto Dottinger Hohe for either another wide open blast or a gentle cool down before pulling into the exit by the cones. Again, watch for the speed limit which is often enforced at the end.

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